Chapter 13, Page 3
(Dated 12 Days Ago)
Nerri Ceras, Pallad City Post
Four people are in custody and facing kidnapping charges in connection with the Halloween evening abduction of Mayor Hynden Neville. Details are still coming in, and the suspects’ names have yet to be released. Mayor Neville was not available for comment.
UPDATE: Though the Pallad City Police Department has yet to release an official statement, we are now hearing reports of a thwarted Halloween parade bomb plot that was connected with Mayor Neville’s kidnapping. We will have more details as they become available.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
I was really hoping I was wrong when I said she would be back. Oh well, at least the chapter will be over quick so I don’t have to put with it for weeks on end.
Sweet! Miss Bliss (aka best girl) has returned!
Wait so you’ve got an armed guard in arms reach of the criminals? that’s breaking like all the rules of prisoner transport. I get that they’re broke and rookies as departmnet but hell…