Nori Santel, Pallad City Post
[Archived Article: Published 1 Year Ago]

For nearly a century, Serenity Bridge has linked the north side and south side parks of Pallad City. One of the oldest bridges in the city, it features a movable bascule bridge design and is raised daily to allow ships and boats to pass along the Zant River below.

Over the last two decades, the Serenity Bridge had fallen into disrepair and neglect, marred by years of rust, graffiti, and structural damage. Six months ago, it was designated as a landmark and, under Mayor Hynden Neville’s Renew Initiative, the bridge was labelled a ‘high-priority repair’. It has since returned to its once former glory—at least visually.

Not all Palladians are impressed, however. Some have voiced their concerns that, despite the Serenity Bridge’s makeover, the repairs were purely aesthetic and that the bridge itself is still unsafe. Four years ago, a private construction firm claimed they had found severe structural degradation on the bridge and presented an extensive report to government officials. Many of the issues addressed in the report were subsequently ignored during the recent restoration. A survey last month suggested that nearly 76% of Palladians are in favor of replacing the Serenity Bridge with a modernized bridge, instead of spending tax payer money on future repairs.

The Serenity Bridge lifts three times a day, usually takes about 8 to 12 minutes per lift, and stops traffic on both north and south sides.

Story by Midnight. Art by Tanabata Usagi.