Webcomic Ridiculousness

Just wanted to share this. Someone posted the above comment on The White Wraith site this week. It is, without question, the single most ignorant, misinformed comment I’ve seen since I started writing webcomics in 2016.
It baffles me that there are people who genuinely believe that the skilled artists who work on Danger Zone One, GunRiot, The White Wraith, and Sailor Justice should not be paid. Or that it doesn’t cost money for website hosting, domains, and advertising. To say nothing of writing the comic, formatting the pages, lettering, maintaining the weekly update schedule, website maintenance, and countless other things that keep all of these comics going…hours and hours go into each and every page. It’s a full-time job in itself. But, apparently, to some none of that is worth anything.
Usually I don’t post any behind-the-scenes drama and it’s not something I enjoy doing but, frankly, this disgusted me.
That’s messed up 😞. One of the great failings of the Internet age is that when people routinely get nice things for free, they start thinking that they’re free to make. OP is *technically correct* that webcomics can be made without financial support, but those are called “passion projects” and they can’t regularly have the quality or frequency of DZO/etc. And nobody owes it to you.
Artists do not need money – known fact; they are sustained by rainbows shooting out of unicorns’ behinds.
Creativity works best if the creative people are miserable because they can’t afford luxuries like food and housing – known fact.
These facts are supported by the Illustrious Delusions, Inane Opinions, and Trolling Society.
I originally saw that comment on the White Wraith site and cringed. What a clueless entitled prick. I have to laugh at how he comments about comics not taking any money to make like he’s an expert on the topic. Douche probably never wrote a creative word in his entire life. DZO is one of the best looking webcomics out there and every year you guys are lifting the bar. Its at a professional level and should be treated that way. Fuck that ass clown.
Yeah, those kind of comments are cringe worthy and clueless. In the beginning there were those who put their work up gratis because it was a new medium, they were the pioneers. Sluggy Freelance was one of the first that I know of. But the medium has changed dramatically over the years. There are still hobbiests and those trying to break into the comics arena, but there are a lot of highly talented artists, writers, colorist and others who rely on their work to put bread on the table. I don’t know how the revenue income from advertising works but every little bit helps. I’m a patron of about ten comics including Midnighs.. I’d do more but that’s about all my budget allows. So no, you don’t HAVE to fund these artists, but if you are a regular reader and enjoy the genre, regularly read and eagerly anticipate the next installment the consider giving a little back and become a Patreon of your favorites.
I’m fortunate to be in the position to support more than one. And it’s not just my favorites. I’ll also kick in to a new and promising artist and help them along. It’s a delight to see how one’s artwork evolve and improve over time. Tom’s Gunnergrieg Court is a prime example. TANSTAAFL!