Chapter 21, Page 43
Pallad City Police Department
Staff Directory
Name: White, Sera
Badge Number: 028232-29
Position: Dispatch and Communications Officer
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Pallad City Police Department
Staff Directory
Name: White, Sera
Badge Number: 028232-29
Position: Dispatch and Communications Officer
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Please tell me that her gun can be tracked with a GPS / remote camera access or something.
In a very great many Police Dept’s, all officers are required to be armed off-duty because their Peace Officer status never stops and they’re required to address any criminal actions if they witness them. Given the way this city runs, I’d be very, very surprised if they weren’t required to also. Some Dept’s expect the issue sidearm to be carried at all times, some let you choose from a list and others let you carry whatever you want. Hers seems a little on the smallish side so it’s probably issue 😉
There’s also the part where an Officer is recognizeable to criminals they’ve dealt with and/or their associates and criminals are never off-duty so the need to be prepared and equipped to defend themelves at all times is definitely present.
I think Madison’s currently wearing the smaller gun she got from the armorer a couple chapters ago.
Madison’s going to get herself into BIG trouble soon. I just know it………………………………
So they use Star Trek doors at the PCPD. I wonder if they ever malfunction and fail to open like you see in the blooper reels?
It looks like a mix. Some of the doors are automated and I’m fairly sure we’ve seen a few regular ones.