Chapter 22, Page 69
Re: Funding Request
Subj: Advanced Hand-to-Hand Training
Chief Hardiman:
Thank you for bringing this request to my attention. I understand your concern and have looked into the matter further. Unfortunately, at the moment, the department does not have the budget or resources to overhaul our current training program.
Fast Track Enrollment has been designed to train cadets within a shortened time period, while providing them the necessary skills to perform their duties. According to the FTE curriculum, the program includes a defensive tactics course. Beyond that, we can not allocate funds to hire additional combat instructors.
Of course, we strongly encourage officers to pursue private self-defense courses on their own time—as long as such officers continue to adhere to the department’s “use of force” policies while on duty.
Zeke Levkin
Operations Support Division
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Well we can be absolutely certain the author Midnight reads the comments. 🙂
That’s why we love them!
That stubborn, hard-nosed Wilkos. This guy just won’t go down easy, huh?
Methinks she’s about to add a new chapter to the manual and give the Dept. lawyers an excuse…nay, a reason, to start drinking early.
Pity she probably won’t be able to make use of his ‘concealed weapon’ afterward, poor thing.
Don’t faint now, Mrs Winter! Big software package at 1200 within kicking range!
Madison’s taken a heck of fall, especially her head hitting the floor like that. Hope she can remain conscious.
This is a real knock-down-drag-out fight. Madison’s probably at the greater disadvantage because of the drugs, the android’s attack, and now this…but those broken ribs are clearly taking a toll on Wilkos too.
Eager to see how this all pans out.
Same, this is getting TENSE
Uh oh. Looks like Wilk’s in rage mode.
Now the question becomes “Which of them recovers faster?” Madison’s just had her bell rung and Wilkos’s ribs will be having a discussion with him about whether he can throw any more punches.
Something tells me that Madison will be feeling that in the morning.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Wilkos will be wincing in pain after doing that punch. When you got broken ribs, moving around like that or even doing something like firing a gun will jostle those ribs and really cause a spike of pain.
Ooh man, tossing a punch like that with broken ribs would be excruciatingly painful and could pierce his lung. Wouldn’t be surprised if he started coughing up blood.
When that adrenalin surge wears off she’s going to be one hurting carbon unit but hopfully it lasts just a little longer.
Ouch! That looked like it hurt. A lot.
That Wilkos guy is SO going to regret hitting Miss Madison like that!
Even if it’s empty, she can still summon her magic sidearm and throw that at him 😉
Doesn’t look like she’s walking that off right away.
So the beans counter expects the officers to get trained on their own dime AND for that (private) training to follow/teach department policies? How would that even work? Talk about wanting to have his cake and eat it too…