New Artist Update!

You may have recently noticed that the art style in Chapter 3 is a bit different from the previous Danger Zone One chapters. That’s because a new artist, Zen Jirakun, has taken over art duties for Katsu. While Katsu enjoyed working on the comic, he had some personal projects to take care of, which meant stepping away from DZO for the time being. While I would have liked to keep him on board, there was no way around his prior commitments and, with Danger Zone One not exactly reaching its milestone goals on Patreon, the possibility of enticing him with a pay raise was out of the question. Fortunately, Katsu has expressed interest in doing a few Danger Zone Onesies, which are less time consuming and not deadline intensive.

On another positive note, Zen’s artwork is fantastic and he instantly picked up on the characters and “style” of Danger Zone One. He’s a welcomed addition to the comic and he’s really giving his all on this chapter.

Patreon Support!

If anyone here is also reading my other webcomic, Welcome to the Machine, they will already know that this week was the last page update for it. Unfortunately, Welcome to the Machine just didn’t receive the Patreon support necessary to pay the artist, domain fees, etc, so I was forced to put it on indefinite hiatus. However, there’s still time to help Danger Zone One avoid the same impending fate by supporting us on Patreon:

I’d like to keep Danger Zone One going, but without an increase of Patreon supporters, I’m not sure how much longer the comic will continue. Every dollar helps and supporters get tons of great Patreon incentives like exclusive artwork, sexy character pin-ups, early concept sketches, script pages, series guide access, WIP updates, polls, and much more! There will likely be new reward tiers coming soon as well.