The following is a brief excerpt from Architect’s Digest, a quarterly periodical that features detailed coverage on projects and in-depth profiles of influential architects and designers. [Article originally published one year ago.] Sumter: A Unique Vision By Eniko Doma A[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 21: Horror High Pt. 4
POLICE TO DEAL WITH SEVERE STAFFING SHORTAGES Karin Ivers, Pallad City Post [Archived Article: Published 1 Month Ago] In the midst of rising crime rates, an illegal drug crisis, and another wave of budget cuts, the Pallad City Police Department[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Posted Two Weeks Ago] Regarding Recent Incidents at Sumter Academy: To All Students: It has been brought to my attention some students remain deeply concerned about the recent tragedies that have occurred at Sumter. These unfortunate events have been felt[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Encrypted NetMail – Dated 5 Days Ago] To: RSaffron@PCPD.xop From: CAlgrave@PCPD.xop Subject: Info and links… Hey Reena, Madison said she gave you an overview and some tips for working undercover. Due to time constraints and how fast this assignment was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Encrypted NetMail – Dated 5 Days Ago] To: RSaffron@PCPD.xop From: CAlgrave@PCPD.xop Subject: Re: Info and links… Hey Reena… Forgot to include one last article link in the previous NetMail, and it’s an important one! Managing Stress: Tips on coping with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Dated 2 Days Ago] Re: MVX Hyper Interceptors Chief Hardiman, I regret to inform you that the five MVX Hyper Interceptors delivered yesterday were the last we had in our inventory. Due to budget cuts, Fleet Services is unable to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Posted 1 Hour Ago] NOTIFICATION TO ALL STUDENTS All afternoon classes have been cancelled. Tomorrow’s schedule has yet to be determined. Students will be notified in the morning. Ilsa Thorne Headmistress Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
“Beckoning Wealth, Prosperity, and Good Fortune.” —Official slogan of Lucky Neko, Inc. Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
NEW TASK FORCE PLANS TO COMBAT DRUG CRISIS Reddin Belk, Pallad City Post [Archived Article: Published 1 Day Ago] Despite its relatively short time on the streets, Afterlife has become one of the deadliest drugs in Pallad City. Both the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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