Chapter 19, Page 85
There’s still a light out in the faculty/staff residence hall and this is now the second time I’m having to remind you. I expect it to be handled as soon as possible, before someone stumbles around in the dark and gets hurt.
Things are becoming far too lax around here as of late. It wouldn’t kill you to put a little more effort into your duties!
—Ms. Thorne
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERFECT murder scene for the month of Halloween!

The memo from Ms. Thorne was missing the line, “giving you a quick heads up.”
Someone needed to pick his brain about something.
DAMN! I did NOT see that coming!
Neither did he.
Damn! He ain’t gonna be in Danger Zone Two.
Okay, Chris Rock.
NOOOOO OOOOONEEE’S dumb as Gaston, no one’s dead as Gaston, no one takes a sickle to the back of the head and dies like Gaston.
He was getting ahead of himself with the butterfly jewelry thing….
Ms. Thorne would soon find out that yes, it really would kill him to put in more effort.
Doin’ it Trotzky-style!
Leon Trotsky died the next day because the deadly blow was not delivered
Damn, I hope he’s okay. I mean, it’s not like he was using his brain, right? Right?