Sumter Private Academy
Student Withdrawal Policy

Once a student is enrolled in Sumter Academy, they have secured a spot in the student body and are committed for the entire school year. Occasionally, it becomes necessary for a currently enrolled student to be withdrawn from Sumter Academy. When this happens, our policy clearly outlines the financial responsibilities of the parent/guardian. When a parent/guardian affixes their signature to the Enrollment Form, they are agreeing that this policy will be applied as written.

All student withdrawals require a 15-day written notice prior to the requested withdrawal date. Such notice is to be presented to the Academy’s headmistress for approval. In terms of refunding any tuition amounts resulting from student withdrawal, regardless of whether that withdrawal is initiated by the parent, guardian or school personnel, any eligible refund is first subject to a deduction of outstanding balances.

Typically, student withdrawal is not covered under our General Refund Policy. In the case that legal action has to be taken to recover funds owed to Sumter Academy, parents or guardians will be entirely responsible for the delinquent balance, all fees accrued, and any legal cost associated with the collection process.

Reasons for student withdrawal may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Requests by parent/guardian to withdraw student
  • Student withdrawal when determined it is in the best interest of the school and family
  • Student on behavioral probation
  • Student on academic probation
  • Student withdrawal in lieu of expulsion
  • Student expulsion

Rarely are exceptions granted to the established General Refund Policy. When they are granted, however, they may only be granted by Sumter Academy’s headmistress. In such cases, exceptions are limited to the following extenuating circumstances:

  • Death of the student, or death of at least one custodial parent
  • Disability of at least one custodial parent
  • Any other reason deemed “extenuating” by Sumter Academy’s headmistress or administration

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.