Chapter 21, Page 25
[Posted 1 Hour Ago]
All afternoon classes have been cancelled.
Tomorrow’s schedule has yet to be determined. Students will be notified in the morning.
Ilsa Thorne
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
That was a close one for her, wasn’t it?
Watch out for the gargoyle wobbling above you, Ms. Soren!
That’s a good point actually. While ol’ Thorney’s apparent belief that this is just an appalling accident is intellectually defencible(and honestly? If we didn’t know that someone had been threatening poor Zoe, I’d struggle to disagree with her)… how can you justify keeping the school open if the building is unsound?
See, I told you it was her loud ass.
Always a treat seeing Irene in that outfit.
Looking at Mz Thorne’s right hand in Panel 2, it wishes she had her crop.