Reddin Belk, Pallad City Post
[Archived Article: Published 1 Day Ago]

Despite its relatively short time on the streets, Afterlife has become one of the deadliest drugs in Pallad City. Both the city’s Addiction Support Center and Health Safety Council estimate the drug is responsible for nearly 700 deaths in the previous two months, with some studies claiming the numbers may be even higher. The recent surge in crime is also being linked to Afterlife, which can cause violent episodes in its users.

Afterlife first gained notice at the Trilennium Games international sports competition eight months ago, when several athletes were found to have illegally taken it as a performance enhancer. The drug was later classified as an “addictive strength-enhancing super-steroid” by ISAADA, the International Sports Athletic Anti-Drug Association.

Following the Trilennium Games, Afterlife had seemingly vanished from the black market until three months ago, when an even more potent variant arrived in Pallad City. Highly sought-after due to the unparalleled “high” it produces, the drug sends a surge of beta-endorphins to the brain and gives its user a massive adrenaline rush. Side-effects are plentiful—including impaired mental judgement, paranoia, memory loss, and outbursts of extreme physical aggression.

The Pallad City Police Department has so far been unable to successfully stem the tide of Afterlife related crimes or break up the drug’s distribution network. Following a public outcry, the PCPD recently announced that a special task force has been organized to deal with incidents specifically related to the drug.

“We are doing everything possible to confront the growing drug crisis,” Police Chief Victor Hardiman said in a statement earlier today. “Our newly formed Afterlife Task Force is firmly committed to attacking and reducing the supply of illegal drugs in this city.”

Mayor Hynden Neville also released a statement today, stating: “The ATF’s goal is to diminish the violence and criminal activity associated with this horrific new drug. Chief Hardiman assures me, and the people of Pallad City, that the PCPD will make significant progress in the coming weeks.”

In the past, similar claims were made regarding the PCPD’s efforts to curb the rise of Sydust and Euphoria, with little tangible results. Time will tell if the PCPD’s Afterlife Task Force can succeed where previous attempts have failed.

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.