General Discussion [Pallad City]
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Topic: Pallad City Hotspots

129 :SunSetRider: 11/19 (14:01:29) ID: 8dj10en7
Never been to Pallad City before, but I’ll be visiting next month. Any restaurants/bars worth checking out? Preferably looking for some of the less crowded, out of the way places. Recommendations?

130 :Xero29: 11/19 (14:10:12) ID 9cn45cn6
Best advice for a Pallad City newbie? Don’t go into the Ardus, Lago, or Alka districts.

131 :NOBOT001: 11/19 (14:13:34) ID 1vb12kf9
^I second what @Xero29 says, and this comes from first hand experience. Never been to Lago or Alka, but I can tell you that you don’t EVER want to step foot in Ardus. Most horrific experience of my life. And if there are any restaurants still open there, the only reason they’re not shut down is because the health inspector’s too scared to step foot in that district. As for bars, I’m betting there’s a few, but they’re probably the dirtiest dives you could imagine.

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.