Chapter 22, Page 64
The following is an article published in The Psychological Observer, a quarterly journal dedicated to exploring a wide range of topics related to psychology, mental health, and human behavior. [Article originally published eight months ago.]
Last month we conducted a survey asking users about their first-time experiences with the pleasure drug Euphoria.
Initial Experiences
- 94% of respondents described their first time using Euphoria as “intense”, while 87% also considered the effects of the drug to be initially “overwhelming”.
- 74% reported that using the pleasure drug was “enjoyable”. 21% claimed the experience was “unpleasant” and 5% of respondents were “unsure” how they would describe the overall experience.
- While on the drug, 89% felt that they were no longer “in control” of their body.
- 76% of respondents used Euphoria for the first time with a partner, 14% used it alone, and 10% were administered the drug without their knowledge.
- 83% reported first using Euphoria between the ages of 18 and 35. 9% said they tried it after the age of 35. 5% claimed their initial encounter occurred when they were younger than 18.
- 19% experienced a medical issue or “health scare” during their initial experience with Euphoria (cardiac issues, respiratory distress, etc).
- 15% tried Euphoria while taking another illicit substance with it.
- 47% first tried Euphoria while also under the influence of alcohol.
- After taking Euphoria for the first time, 81% described having “powerful” cravings for the drug for days or weeks after. 68% claimed to have experienced “instant addiction” from the substance.
Repeated Use
- After their initial experience with the drug, 70% of respondents claimed they have used Euphoria again, or would consider using the substance in the near future. 26% do not plan on using the drug again. 4% were undecided.
Other Drugs
- After taking Euphoria, 68% of respondents reported that they experimented with other pleasure drugs (Aphrosia, Rapture, etc). 71% claimed that they had tried a pleasure drug prior to first taking Euphoria.
- 55% tried other illicit substances not classified as pleasure drugs.
The 10,293 respondents for this survey were gathered from a nationally representative sample.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Not sure what his robotic arm’s about to do, but that sliding panel on his forearm probably doesn’t bode well for Madison.
I hope you don’t indulge yourself too well into your pleasurable endeavors, Madison! Because from the looks of things, it seems that Wilkos has one last trick literally up his mechanical sleeve. And it looks like one that might………… know what? I don’t want to know at all!
Maybe it is a built-in robo-spanker?
I sure hope so!
68% “instant addiction” rate? Does this mean there’s a two in three chance that Madison will get off so hard while on the drug that we’ll see her try it again on her own terms with a suitable mating partner?
It slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries !!!
Mostly though, I think he has this in mind…but his mileage is probaby going to differ..substantially 😉
Guess I’m going to have to watch the movie again. Altho I agree this version isn’t going to end in a kosher wedding.
You’ve certainly got me on the edge of my seat wondering what’s going to happen next! The art and write ups under these latest pages have been killer. A lot going on and all very intriguing.
This does not look good at all.
Going by those statistics, Madison’s in for one hell of a fight with the short and long term effects of that drug. That’s IF she survives whatever the bartender’s planning.