The Pallad City Digger
The City’s #1 Source of Truth on the Net

Mayor’s Leaked Memo Linked to Ongoing District Disaster
By Gregg Hines

Earlier this month, a hostage situation in Pallad City’s Ardus District offered residents an unusual sight: two police cruisers and a total of four officers. This was an outlier, as a police presence has become increasingly rare in the Ardus, Alka, and Lago districts. Residents claim that the police will often refuse to respond to 911 calls from these beleaguered areas which, despite citywide crime rates soaring, have been hit hardest by criminal activity.

Ardus, Alka, and Lago each share the same affliction—worsening poverty, degrading infrastructure, and residents who are all but forgotten. With the absence of law enforcement, these three districts have become entrenched havens for organized crime, gangs, drugs, prostitution, and other operations.

Some residents are convinced that the police have been unwilling to enter these districts because most officers are too concerned about their own safety to do so. Others attribute the lack of police to the ongoing officer shortage. More cynical residents believe that the Pallad City Police Department simply does not care enough to engage with areas widely considered to be “the slums.”

The notion that the PCPD is the sole architect behind a multi-district dereliction of duty is now being challenged. Yesterday, a leaked memo incriminated Mayor Hynden Neville who, no stranger to controversy, previously referred to Ardus, Alka, and Lago as “problem districts.”

Mayor Neville’s private memo, sent to the Pallad City Digger by an anonymous source, states that Ardus, Alka, and Lago are “low priority” districts and that it would be advisable for the police to “limit” their presence in those areas. Neville goes on to mention low voter turnout in poverty-stricken sectors of the city and stresses that, with the PCPD’s recent budget cuts, resources would be better spent prioritizing emergency calls to “thriving” districts.

This comes in stark contrast to Mayor Neville’s supposed Renew Initiative and the formation of a new Urban Development Committee, which promises to completely restore sections of the city that have been neglected.

Mayor Neville could not be reached for comment. Pallad City Police Chief Victor Hardiman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Pallad City Digger is an investigative digital news outlet that reports on topics, including crime, corruption, and conspiracies that the mainstream media refuses to cover.

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.