That feral looking violet eye in the last panel that so closely resembles what we saw in the dream sequence leaves me to speculate whether Madison’s initial course of action upon fully awakening will be to [A] fuck the minion to death, [B] beat him to death, or [C], [A] followed closely by [B]. I’m fairly sure of the destination, just not the path to it.
I can see her doing A at first, but Blondie gets jealous and shocks Madison or whatever the gloves does and it snaps her out of the drug induced haze and she ends up doing B to both of them.
Madison might be having a very different type of slumber party soon…
Hmm. Not exactly sure if THIS is the way to get some PAYBACK, Wilkos.
Waking up and choosing Violence methinks.
That feral looking violet eye in the last panel that so closely resembles what we saw in the dream sequence leaves me to speculate whether Madison’s initial course of action upon fully awakening will be to [A] fuck the minion to death, [B] beat him to death, or [C], [A] followed closely by [B]. I’m fairly sure of the destination, just not the path to it.
I can see her doing A at first, but Blondie gets jealous and shocks Madison or whatever the gloves does and it snaps her out of the drug induced haze and she ends up doing B to both of them.
Never underestimate the petty stupidity of minions.
This is the 4th time that Trey Morrow has groped Madison Wynter.
You sure? I thought he only groped her butt once, when she was unconscious on the bar. I’ll have to go back and look because I’m drawing a blank.
1st time (butt grope) in panels 3-4 of Chapter 22, Page 31:
2nd time (thigh/butt grope) in panels 2-3 of Chapter 23, Page, 44:
3rd time (thigh grope) in panel 3 of this current page.
4th time (breast grope) in panels 4-5 of this current page.
Ah, okay, thanks! At first I thought you were talking about each one happening in a separate scene.
Uh-oh. Not good.
Reena’s text message is referring to this scene:
Nice callback.