Chapter 23, Page 51
[Archived 3 Years Ago]
Arrest Log
Name: Lane, Yalee
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Arrest ID: #730281-I
Criminal possession and use of an illicit drug [Nucaine], resisting arrest, attempted assault of an officer.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Oh, man. What Yalee had to go through………….
Police misconduct at its finest.
Damn, really shows there’s two sides to every coin. Got to hand it to the author for not shying away from the fact that sometimes the “good guys” can be the “bad guys”.
Pretty sure they’ve shown us the cops in the city are pretty corrupt.
That said, if she’s a rape survivor and thinks rape it forward is the answer, she was likely messed up long before this.
To be fair, the one she wants to rape is a Cop, so she’s probably thinking more along the lines of revenge.
Dude!! Does that one cop have a wedding ring?! It’s such a tiny detail (fifth panel) but makes this even more disturbing. This guy’s not only a slime ball, doing this against his position as a cop and committing a crime, but he’s also cheating on his wife. That’s a very fine bit of visual storytelling.
Quite the role reversal! In Yalee’s mind, her current situation with Madison is likely a bit of criminal “payback” for the equally criminal acts that transpired here.