Chapter 23, Page 52
Nerri Ceras, Pallad City Post
[Archived Article: Published 2 Weeks Ago]
A recent poll has revealed that 68% of Palladians believe that most Pallad City police officers are unfit for duty. Survey questions were varied, with some asking how civilians would “grade” their experiences with officers they’ve personally encountered.
46% claimed that they would feel unsafe around an officer, and 29% voted that they would be hesitant to call the police in case of an emergency. 72% were concerned about the physical and psychological health of PCPD officers.
41% are in favor of disbanding the Pallad City Police Department, replacing it with a privatized police force. 50% were against privatization, citing concerns over accountability and potential abuse of power. 9% were undecided.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
I love how big her breasts are!
I…………….think that Madison’s getting a brutal and pleasurable taste of intense payback, in a sense, from a very vindictive Yalee here. SHEESH!!!!!!!!
Titty twister also applies here as well XD
Yalee, have you forgotten what happens when the villain stops everything to gloat and monologue?
I think the monologing and gloating are decreed as mandatory in the Villain code of conduct and anyone not following those rules are busted down to goons and/or henchmen/henchwomen.
Panel #3:
Dildo on bicycle seat (poster in the background) 🥴