Chapter 7, Page 4
To: HaleyComet@NetWave.xop
From: Rsaffron@NetWave.xop
Subject: Heeeey!
Hiya Haley,
Hope all’s well in Old M! Sooo, I know you were talking about visiting next week…but any chance you and Kerrica can visit tomorrow instead? I (already!) have a couple days off and it would be the perfect time to check out Fantasy Funland if you’re both down!!!
To: Rsaffron@NetWave.xop
From: HaleyComet@NetWave.xop
Subject: Re: Heeeey!
Ahhh! Fantasy Funland 😀 You know how long we’ve all wanted to go there!! I let out an actual “squee” I’m so psyched~ Tomorrow works for me!
Sad news, tho—Kerrica can’t make it! 🙁 I feel bad going without her, but she insists I make it down (while guilt tripping me into picking up one of those exclusive park-only Hanu dolls for her 😛 ). Kerrica just started working a part-time job at the Greffen Center and can’t get any time off either this week or next. She’s really cranking out the hours. It’s not a great gig, lame wages too, but she does get free concert tickets…and guess who’s coming to Old Metro next month? Neon Accelerator!! Insane or what?! Kerrica’s gonna snag us tixs already before they sell out, so ya better not miss it! 😉
I’ll call you in a couple hours and let’s plan this out! Fantasy Funland here we come!
Uh, by the way, Ree…how do you already have time off? Don’t tell me you got suspended—or fired—on your first week?! 🙁
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
I thought she had a broken arm? how is she punching things and holding her left arm up in the air.