Patreon-Only NSFW Pages

Please be aware, the next pages of Chapter 19 (pages 79, 80, 81, and 82) will only be available to NSFW-tier Patreon supporters. They can be unlocked by signing into Patreon and then clicking the “Unlock with Patreon” button on any of the exclusive pages.
We’ve never done this before—and, to be clear, at the moment it’s not something I have current plans to do again on the main DZO site.
In the past, the NSFW pages would typically be posted directly on Patreon. However, since these are canon pages I had two choices — either post these NSFW pages on the DZO site (and have them be Patreon locked) or post them strictly on Patreon and not update the DZO site for the next week and a half. I decided on the former.
After these pages, Danger Zone One will be returning to free-to-read for everyone. No major plot revelations will be revealed during these NSFW Patreon-only pages.
UPDATE: I’ve received a handful of emails, comments, and messages from readers who were disappointed about the recent announcement of our NSFW Patreon-Only pages—and I wanted to address those more thoroughly on another post.
When you make the next book, will the censored pages be in it?
I’m hoping the print editions will be mostly uncensored — the only issue is that, lately, printing companies have been touchy about some NSFW content. Generally, nudity is fine. The current sequence might not fly, though–so there’s a chance that may need to be cut.
They BETTER NOT! I really like it when your series goes uncensored! I hope that they’ll all be uncensored when they’re available on digital someday!
Or you could just add the pages as they were intended to be seen since you built up to it in the cannon, rather than lock it behind a pay wall. I was wondering, as a long time reader why there was suddenly this level of NSFW stuff in the main comic.
This was not cool and something that should have been thought about as it was being built out.
I understand that there will be no plot revelations, its fan service but it is also fan service you lead up to in the cannon.
Please don’t do this in the future, just keep it to the Patreon.
I’ll be straight with you here, chief, and don’t get me wrong, I don’t like self-entitlement nor am I making any demands, just to be clear on that detail. While I’ve been a long-time reader (from one chapter before Salaiix joined in as the main artist) and occasionally supported the project on Patreon (at times where my very limited budget allowed it), I can’t really get behind this particular move.
When you post the entirety of the canon comic for free, you create an expectation that the reader will get the full canon story for free, not an unreasonable expectation after so many chapters, right? So, taking pages out of the canon and putting them behind a paywall just doesn’t sit well with me. Say you got a follower who’s into the canon only, so they don’t really care about the hypothetical NSFW scenarios offered in the $10 tier, I can see how they’d see this as a betrayal of their trust.
And yeah, I know you clarified that there’s no crucial plot point being put behind the paywall, but when a canon reader wants the full canon, they want the full canon, and $10 for four comic pages is definitely overcharging. It wouldn’t feel like a betrayal if you actually sold the entire canon chapters (say, on Gumroad or stuff like that), because it’s the expectation you create: you want the product? Pay up the fair price for it. That’s perfectly fair, it takes time, work and money to create any comic after all, so posting it for free is already a huge generosity. Still, yeah, expectations.
Just my two cents. This doesn’t mean I’ll quit following DZO and never again support on Patreon if the chance presents itself for me to do so, it’s just a little something that rubbed me the wrong way, especially when the comic already showed full explicit nudity and sexuality in the past (the Miss Bliss stuff and these past couple of pages especially). This here just seems… arbitrary.
If you reconsider, cool beans, but if you don’t, oh, well, it is what it is. Guess I’ll have a look retroactively later when I go on Patreon in the future again. I just thought I’d voice what some of the free readers could be feeling (I did see a comment in the newest update calling this a betrayal and made me feel like I needed to put a little more eloquently why someone would feel that way).
At any rate, all the best, keep up the good work.
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and for all of your thoughts on this!
Well spoken by NEF.
Was gonna stay silent but felt the need to chime in here. Been reading this comic since 2017 and joined the NSFW patreon in 2019. Over the years I’ve supported many creators on patreon. Yours is the only one I stayed with each month because of the quantity AND quality of what you’re giving us.
I respect you stood your ground and the pages stayed locked. You didn’t listen to the peanut gallery which was the RIGHT CHOICE. This comic is on a professional level and deserves the money. If it were me, the whole comic would be patreon locked. I see shitty comics like the panty bear making thousands MORE each month and the art and story’s a shitty kill la kill wannabe.
Good on the author for doing this. Its looks like it boosted their Patreon so obviously a good business decision on their end. I’m good with more Patreon pages too. Hell, why not? Cater to the paying customers, not the freeloaders.
Would it be possible to at least have the text version of the comics to at least have a vague idea of what’s happening?
Like, in the description under each page, just the text?
Or like, unblur the speech bubbles and have the rest blurred?