Chapter 4, Page 13
Volkan Island Research Center
Mission Statement
Nex Coast and the Volkan Island Research Center strive to be at the forefront of understanding marine environmental ecosystems, while advancing the frontiers of technology to ensure sustained conservation of marine life.
We are committed to integrating both innovative approaches and technological advancement in an effort to solve environmental problems across the globe.
We seek to promote the sustainability of coast and marine ecosystems which are at risk due to an increasingly volatile human presence.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
“So now subject 37 escaped and is killing everyone?”
“What? NO! Subject 37 is completely harmless and peaceable. The problem is that there is a radiation leak. I’m the last one here; subject 37 got everyone else onto the escape boats. Now stop interrupting me!”
panel 4: Paper tape readout! That takes me back to programming in high school. Several decades ago.