Chapter 6, Page 20
The following letter was taken from last year’s edition of CyberLine: Beyond the Boundary, a bi-monthly publication of technical information, articles, and editorials focusing on a variety of subjects including cybernetics, human augmentation, genetic enhancement, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and related scientific breakthroughs. The letter was sent from a reader responding to Nell Saydok’s article, “Synth Blood: A Deeper Look.”
Thank you for publishing Dr. Saydok’s intriguing article last issue. His knowledge and detailed insight on the synthetic blood used in cybernetic prosthesis was a true eye-opener for me. Three months ago an industrial accident caused irreparable damage to both my right arm and left leg. Next month I will be getting prosthetics for both limbs. This may sound irrational, especially in this day and age, but I was initially hesitant to accept cybernetic prosthetics. One of my personal issues (again, irrational, I know) was the white synthetic blood. The whole concept of cybernetic limbs already seems so…unnatural, despite how common they’ve become. In truth, I really do understand how they can aid me in my current situation. But the prospect of white—fake—blood only adds to my preexisting concerns and shaky feelings on the matter. I’ve heard so many great things about cybernetics, but to undergo this procedure almost makes me feel like I’m going to become something less than human. How some people willingly opt for full-body prosthesis, I may never understand.
Yet, Dr. Saydok’s overview on how red synthetic blood is now being used thanks to recent advances in the field, really puts my mind at ease. I was captivated by his explanation on the differences between white and red synth blood and how far modern science has progressed. I appreciate how he touched upon the topic of certain psychological aspects that those of us choosing cybernetics may face. I believe, as more advanced prosthetics become affordable to the general population, these psychological concerns will be further addressed, even in a situation like mine, where something as seemingly marginal like the color of synthetic blood could be an issue.
–Gerrid M.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going…
The real question is: Is the Good Doctor hermaphroditic?
Or perhaps she has the means to do the cuckoo one better and implant clones to be borne by her victims?
She might even be capable of parthenogenesis and really doesn’t need “receptacles” other than herself, but since her ambition is to supplant all of Homo sapiens, and the quicker the better, the latter two together seem most likely.
Creepier still the implants may not even need a reproductive system at all.
They could parasitize the victim directly ala “Alien”.