Chapter 18, Page 37
[Archived four months ago]
Officer Evaluation Report
Officer Name: Aris L’Ceal
Administrative Comments:
Officer L’Ceal has been with the Department for 18 months and has proven herself to be a competent, dependable officer. She often meets and/or exceeds expectations and is a valuable resource to the Department.
L’Ceal carries out her duties as a patrol officer without complaint or issue—rare for an officer who graduated from the Fast Track Program. She is able examine a problem and quickly identify potential solutions with a fresh look and novel perspective. L’Ceal frequently makes sound, fact-based judgements, can be objective in difficult situations, and doesn’t let individual emotion or feeling affect critical decisions.
L’Ceal has a natural rapport with people and does very well at communicating with others. She is a consummate team player and isn’t concerned about who takes credit, just that the task is accomplished. She also has shown effective time management skills in her field duties and filing of case reports.
Case files #5627-A1 and #6103-A3 are stellar examples of L’Ceal’s performance in the field [see Form 281-B for complete documentation].
We could desperately use more officers with the same level of dedication and commitment to duty as Officer L’Ceal.
[Recently, L’Ceal submitted a written request for police transport duty. Based on her record, I believe her request should be considered and, if possible, approved.]
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
‘often meets expectations’ and ‘frequently shows sound judgement’ are phrases that are ‘damning by faint praise’.
Having written many a performance report, and having had them written on me, this is a sub-par report implying much improvement needed to meet minimum standards.
I flat out refused to sign a PER at one Department with a category listed as ‘meets standards most of the time’ which was the accepted format at the time and told them that I had never been counselled or informed of any deficiency, therefore I met standards ALL of the time and would accept no less. The wording of the categories changed and the next one was much more ‘wibbly wobbly’ saying nothing at all in a hundred words or less. I don’t work for that Department anymore, their slipshod methods of handing personnel was one reason.
It said she meets and/or exceeds expectations in general. It means she’s at the very least meets the minimum requirements for the job at the very least in some categories and she exceeds in others.
Given the state of the PCPD, it appears that “often meets expectations” is above average.
If anything, I think L’Ceal is probably a better officer than most of the officers in PCPD. Madison for example, may score at the top in physical aspects of the job but has an attitude problem, has problems following orders, doesn’t do her paperwork all that often, and doesn’t know when to stop and relax.
Dude, you’re reading a webcomic that’s as realistic about police procedure as Bubblegum Crisis or Dirty Pair, chill out.
No need to ‘chill out’, I’m not critiquing the artist’s work, just making a comparison to real life. For all we know, that reading was the intention when the script was written..or maybe not 😉
Have we met her before in-comic?
Yes, we have. The woman Miss Bliss is torturing is the woman
who was guarding her and Mr.Jack along with the two male guards before the truck carrying them was attacked by Lala.
I would say, “Thanks,” but that link goes to a page showing a couple of dudes. It was a starting point, though, you just need to go back a couple of pages to here.
Hhmmmm… Is she really a prisoner or is she a playmate? A high performing recent hire who specifically requests an assignment as transport guard? Smells like the ‘inside man’ in an operation. As for her current situation, to have ‘S&M’ you need an ‘M’ as well as an ‘S’.
I think you could be on to something there.