The following is an article published in The Psychological Observer, a quarterly journal dedicated to exploring a wide range of topics related to psychology, mental health, and human behavior. [Article originally published eight months ago.]


Last month we conducted a survey asking users about their first-time experiences with the pleasure drug Euphoria.

Initial Experiences

  • 94% of respondents described their first time using Euphoria as “intense”, while 87% also considered the effects of the drug to be initially “overwhelming”.
  • 74% reported that using the pleasure drug was “enjoyable”. 21% claimed the experience was “unpleasant” and 5% of respondents were “unsure” how they would describe the overall experience.
  • While on the drug, 89% felt that they were no longer “in control” of their body.
  • 76% of respondents used Euphoria for the first time with a partner, 14% used it alone, and 10% were administered the drug without their knowledge.
  • 83% reported first using Euphoria between the ages of 18 and 35. 9% said they tried it after the age of 35. 5% claimed their initial encounter occurred when they were younger than 18.
  • 19% experienced a medical issue or “health scare” during their initial experience with Euphoria (cardiac issues, respiratory distress, etc).
  • 15% tried Euphoria while taking another illicit substance with it.
  • 47% first tried Euphoria while also under the influence of alcohol.
  • After taking Euphoria for the first time, 81% described having “powerful” cravings for the drug for days or weeks after. 68% claimed to have experienced “instant addiction” from the substance.

Repeated Use

  • After their initial experience with the drug, 70% of respondents claimed they have used Euphoria again, or would consider using the substance in the near future. 26% do not plan on using the drug again. 4% were undecided.

Other Drugs

  • After taking Euphoria, 68% of respondents reported that they experimented with other pleasure drugs (Aphrosia, Rapture, etc). 71% claimed that they had tried a pleasure drug prior to first taking Euphoria.
  • 55% tried other illicit substances not classified as pleasure drugs.

The 10,293 respondents for this survey were gathered from a nationally representative sample.

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.