Mini-Aether E27 Luma Flashlight (Manufacturer Details) 150 lumens, 110m beam distance. Powered by a miniature IO-9 cell. Up to forty-eight hours of continuous use. Features a waterproof, anti-slip design. Constructed of high-quality mitra alloy. Collapsible compact body for when not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 19: Horror High Pt. 2
[Entry logged 40 minutes ago] Reena’s Journal “Meet me in the basement tomorrow night at midnight. You know why. Tell anyone, or fail to show and you die.” Someone received that threatening text last night—I just wish I knew who sent[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sumter Academy // Housing Policies Section 4.B — Late Night Hours All students are expected to remain in their dorm rooms once the designated lights-out period begins. Allowances are made for restroom use—however, students should make visits to the facilities[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gaston, The anatomy model in Classroom 1-B has been damaged. Bring it down to the basement. A replacement should be arriving any day now. —Ms. Thorne Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Sumter Academy // Housing Policies Section 4.C — Noise Sumter Private Academy is a learning environment and should be treated as such at all times, even after scheduled classes are done for the day. Unreasonable noise will not be tolerated[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Submitted 17 hours ago] Undercover Operation Report Operation: Sumter Private Academy (#9238-BN) Reporting Officer: Cherie Algrave / Cyber Crime Division We’ve received confirmation from Sumter Academy and they’re allowing us to insert another officer undercover—the stipulation is that they won’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Submitted 5 hours ago] Pallad City Police Department Report [Case Number ##9238-BN] Reporting Officer: Madison Wynter Date: 11/20 Irene Soren was inserted into Sumter Academy on November 20th at 1230 hrs. [Sumter’s upper administration had approved our request around 0600[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[Encrypted NetMail – Sent 4 Hours Ago] To: MBurton@PCgov.xop From: VHardiman@PCPD.xop Subject: Re: Sumter Investigation Ms. Burton: I’m forwarding you today’s reports/updates regarding the Sumter investigation, per Mayor Neville’s request. As I said yesterday, undercover cases like these may take[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sumter Academy // Employee Handbook Section 1.A – Requirements All employees at Sumter Private Academy are required to reside on campus each semester. Faculty/staff members will be allowed leave two weekends per month, the dates of which must be scheduled[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dorm Policy Violations at Sumter Academy: This is a reminder that students are not to be out of their dorm rooms after dark. The only exception is if a student needs to use the restroom—in which case they are to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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