Chapter 1, Page 18
Re: Updates
Subj: VX-II power suit spec proposal
Date: October 28th
Mr. Stayroff,
I wanted to extend my approval regarding your work on the recent VX-II proposal. The design upgrades you suggested to offset the suit’s overheating issues are exceptional. In addition, the advancements proposed for the refined targeting system and infrared imaging enhancements were compelling. I have already brought your report to the attention of Linn Davken, Vice President of Product Development, who was equally impressed with your ideas. These findings and your valued suggestions may save us weeks, if not months, in development.
Horizon Global Solutions takes interest in employees who go the extra mile and we appreciate your work as supervisor in our 4-B R&D Division. Rest assured that your exhaustive efforts on this recent proposal will be taken into account during our upcoming quarterly review.
Laya Senti
Top Division Research and Development Executive
Horizon Global Solutions
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Katsu.
Ok, the supervisor is an idiot. It would have been safer if he’d kept mooching ideas off of his employees instead of laying off the smart ones.
I know, right? Not only that, but his wife leaving because he lost his job? Wow. I almost want Raymond to continue his rampage unbothered by the cops. Yes, I know, the property damage, but it would be more beneficial to focus on getting the employees out of the building…so Raymon can go Postal without killing the other employees.
” In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did not also limit his stupidity”. – Konrad Adenauer –
“But that’s the way we’ve always done this around here.”
~Anonymous, low-level bureaucratic lackey
“Insanity: Doing something the same way again & again but expecting to get different results.”
~Source unknown, but usually attributed to Albert Einstein
I guess the one about insanity is far older than Einstein, and that he emphatically agreed and spread its use. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you could find the exact same thought written down in different wording by some ancient philosopher.
It also wouldn’t surprise me if the anonymous low-level bureaucratic lackey was perfectly echoing someone in the same position in ancient Greece. I’d be more surprised to find any written record of that though… but maybe from the Roman empire?
Yeah, let’s kill some bureaucrats!)))
What a pity party.