Chapter 18, Page 38
The following is an excerpt taken from Dyanne Vesade’s guide, The Art of Discipline.
It is not enough to just weaken the body, but to overcome—and break—their spirit as well. The greatest of pleasure can not be attained without the greatest of pain. The subservient disciple yearns to be broken, hungrily awaiting their master’s supreme touch. They long to release their enraptured cries and euphoriant spasms of servility—giving themselves over to the Dominant Force.
The ones who resist—the ones who most desperately cling to their spurious veneer of self-authority—are the same individuals harboring the most abyssal desires of slavish obedience and absolute domination.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
I think if Miss Bliss is hoping to turn L’Ceal into slave willing to do anything for her, then she’s in for a rude awakening I think. I’m pretty sure if she’s going by this book, then she probably needs to remember that advice for that would only work if they are interested in her. Pulling someone off the street and doing that kind of stuff to to them is more likely to traumatize them and get them to have issues with sex than turn them into someone interested in BDSM.
The author of that ‘book’ sounds like a complete psychotic arsehole, who tries to justify their torture as ‘liberating’ their victim
Really hoping the author of this webic isn’t going down that path…
Is that the 38th ‘gender’ ?
Am I missing something here?
The other 37 we’re supposed to try and figure out ?
Where did the comic mention this before?
By that rule, Miss Bliss must really want to be dominated!
But can we ^count^ on anyone to subject her to that test❓
“… on there being anyone in a position to subject her to such a test!”