Chapter 20, Page 42
Sumter Academy // Student Handbook
Section 6.D — Policy on Physical Violence
Sumter Academy strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for all students and does not tolerate physical violence in any capacity. Students are expected to avoid all physical conflicts, confrontations, and altercations. A student’s failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to dismissal or expulsion.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Damn, this is god-tier. Every page gets more and more intense.
Rosamie? Who’s Rosamie? BTW? Those hot poses of Reena, albeit as the result of brutality and torture? TOTALLY God-Tier to me!

God tier indeed, top right panel is my favorite!!!we need more of that pose for Reena
For a cop she’s an utterly crap fighter
She needs to maintain her cover!
Reena strikes me as the peaceful, not wanting to fight type anyway
She was fast-tracked through the academy, so fast she barely had any combat training, everything she has learnt has been in last couple weeks with Madison
Honestly, Reena needs to work on her negotiating skills to stop a situation that is getting worse by the minute…
What fucking negotiating skills? She’s still a fucking rookie, not a veteran officer
A very painful way to gain new insights.
Nothing Reena says is going to get through to Zoe. By the time Reena entered the room it was clear Zoe was already over the edge and probably drew most of her own conclusions. Even if Reena announced she was a cop there’s no way Zoe would believe that. She’d probably just get more of an ass whooping.
Best page so far, love seeing Reena get roughed up.
She won’t be talking her way out of this one
Now would be the perfect time for Ms. Thorne to walk in.