Chapter 20, Page 43
DataFile #9238-BN
Authorized PCPD Access Only
Undercover Operation: Sumter Private Academy
After the death of Nomi Glazer, officers interviewed over two dozen students at Sumter Academy. Among them, three students reported sightings of an unknown person on school grounds in the days prior to Glazer’s death. Descriptions vary, but the individual was reportedly seen wearing a “strange mask and black robe-like outfit.”
No faculty, staff, or any other students witnessed an individual matching that description. No surveillance footage or evidence of any “persons unknown” could be found either entering or exiting school grounds during/around the time of Glazer’s death.
Glazer’s death by drowning was ruled to be accidental.
Sightings of the masked individual were believed to be hysteria-driven, due to a popular urban legend that had been spreading at Sumter in the weeks preceding Glazer’s death.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
You’ve just GOTTA love that glorious Ass of Reena’s! But, “ Melpho Thalia “? What kind of name is that? Is that that killer who offed Gaston as the end of the second chapter of this arc here?
I came to see some Reena booty and I was not disappointed!!! Amazing stuff
Reena’s glorious ass is my favorite thing, hope to see the other characters tease her for having a big butt. I bet Reena is very popular among her coworkers and criminals alike

Also I hope Zoe realizes she’s being silly
More like violently paranoid.
I thought Thorne may have been a red herring, but now I’m thinking her domi-rapey ways isn’t just a way to throw us off on who the murderer is.
Uh oh. this is starting to sound like a hazing issue gone wrong and the coverup unraveling like kitten with a ball yarn.
Top left might still be my favorite panel ever