Pallad City Police Department // Medical Records
Patient: Madison Wynter
Police Physician: Raye Belanie. MD

Supplemental Notes:

[November 15th]
Ms. Wynter exhibits hand tremors, blurred vision, and muscle weakness—all probable results of excessive fatigue. Patient has yet to heal from previous injuries, which are likely to prolong or worsen her current condition.

Patient refused complete medical examination. Refused controlled dosage of painkillers. And refused to cut work hours…

A follow-up with Ms. Wynter will be scheduled in one week 24 hours.

[November 16th]
Patient never showed for follow-up. Contacted Chief Hardiman about my concerns regarding Ms. Wynter’s present health condition and possibly reducing her hours.

[November 17th]
Unable to locate patient for follow-up.

[November 18th]
Reached out to patient via NetMail to reschedule follow-up. No response.

[November 19th]
Spoke with Chief Hardiman again. Discovered Ms. Wynter is on a current assignment that, fortunately, precludes her from active patrol. Chief Hardiman also expressed his concern about Ms. Wynter’s well-being.

[November 20th]
Encountered Ms. Wynter in the restroom. As expected, patient was standoffish, combative, and insistent that I let her “do her damn job.” Needless to say, our dialogue was brief.

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.