[Logged 2 Weeks Ago]
Blackridge Psychiatric Institute
Personal Log Entry: 192/11.6

One of the new patients somehow managed to sneak a vial of Euphoria with her into the building. I’ve never seen an individual under the influence of a pleasure drug before, but it was an eye-opening experience.

A staff member located the patient around twenty minutes after she had ingested the substance. At this point, the patient had taken leave of her senses, devolving into a state where she was completely overcome by base carnal urges.

A nurse reported that the patient was “frantically” trying to use various objects in the room as a means to achieve sexual release. We considered restraining her, but there was concern that doing so might increase the risk of cardiac issues, which is a possible side-effect of Euphoria usage.

We allowed the patient to privately attend to her needs—a process which took hours. Apparently, Euphoria is so potent that it takes multiple “releases” and considerable time for its effects to finally subside. I was also unaware of the intense eye discoloration that the drug causes while under its influence.

The patient has been recovering, though it seems that her addiction to the drug is quite severe.

Within my first six months at Blackridge, I’ve worked with patients addicted to a variety of drugs including Sydust, Nucaine and, more recently, Afterlife—but my colleagues have forewarned me that this will not be my last exposure to patients with pleasure drug addiction. I’m told Euphoria is becoming an increasing concern as more powerful variants make their way onto the streets.

—Dr. Kerve

Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.