Chapter 5, Page 2
Communication Log
[2 Hours Ago]
KIJO: Before I step foot on the island, send me a real-time holomap of the area. I’d like to know exactly where this facility is.
TARA: That might pose a bit of a problem. I’m trying to use a company satellite to get some aerial readouts of the island, but it’s a no go.
KIJO: Sat interference technology?
TARA: That’s my bet. Technically, it’s illegal to use, but Nex Coast must have something that’s scrambling the signal. I’m gonna have to send you an old map, so I’m warning you in advance, it’s from several years ago. Who knows what the layout is like now.
KIJO: I’ll make due.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
New updates to Danger Zone One’s Patreon! The $5 tier now lets patrons see every comic page one week before it’s posted on the site. And a new $10 NSFW tier has been added too!
Oh what a terrible waste of eye candy.