Chapter 8, Page 4
Ongoing Investigation File: #4594-B1
Case Subject: “Miss Bliss”
Investigator: Celia Denson
Within the last six months, four separate criminal investigations have turned up the name “Miss Bliss.” Whether this is the alias of a single individual, or the name of a criminal network, has yet to be determined. Below are the cases where this name has been associated:
File #4428-E1
A drug trafficking ring discovered at the M4-77 warehouse in the Ardus District. Suspect mentioned “Miss Bliss” as a distributor of the drug Euphoria. Investigated. No further leads.
File #4011-C2
Blackmail scam uncovered, involving over 30 prominent individuals, ranging from politicians, corporate executives, and celebrities. “Miss Bliss” was the name used to contact each individual.
File #3901-A3
Intercepted a shipment of illegal Class VII sex androids [Model X3-D92]. These units were recalled by the manufacturer over a year ago, due to a hazardous flaw in the units’ programming which could make them go berserk. Ownership of X3-D92 units are now prohibited by law. Driver of transport claimed their contact person was someone called “Miss Bliss,” but never met them face-to-face. Investigators were unsuccessful in their attempts to make contact with “Miss Bliss.”
File #2189-D7
Cyber Crime Division discovered the existence of NetDigger, a malicious program that monitors and records a user’s history on the Net—while uploading the data to another private party. NetDigger is used as a form of ransomware, threatening to publish the victim’s data unless a hefty sum is paid. CCD believes that NetDigger originated from the ShadowNet, designed by a user with the “Miss Bliss” screen name. All efforts to infiltrate the ShadowNet and this user have failed.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Uh oh! Miss Bliss vs Madison, place your bets!
Money on Main Woman Madison!
Miss Bliss! Naw, just kidding – my money is on Madison.
I think being blackmailed after a Euphoria-fuelled night with Miss Bliss and a berserk sex droid would be money well spent
Didn’t know Alexa Bliss was into trafficking