Chapter 9, Page 19
Attention: City Clerk
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Incident w/ Pallad City Police
I am writing this letter to give you notice of the time [6:56 PM], place [Grendales], and manner of damages caused to my business by the Pallad City Police Department.
Because of the actions of several PCPD officers, I have suffered the following damages:
1. Destruction of an SA-82 service android and charging station.
2. Extensive damages to an area of the building (where charging station had been located).
3. Destruction of a changing room.
4. Damage to inventory.
5. Emotional distress to my customers and employees.
I am now contemplating a civil suit against the officers involved and the Pallad City Police Department for their negligence resulting in the extensive damage to my business, inventory/property, and service android.
The PCPD incident number in this matter is #87762TYR
Kristopher Grendales
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Ryo Kawakami.
Sir, the android in question was directly responsible for items 3 through 5, and would probably have done a lot worse if the officers in question hadn’t destroyed it when they did.
Also, if you had connected your charging station to a surge protector as described in the installation instructions, this ENTIRE INCIDENT could have been avoided. The possible consequences were clearly outlined (in 5-point type).