Chapter 5, Page 6
Dr. Hastings’ Personal Notes
Entry 128-202
Subject 37 is an incredible specimen, far exceeding the narrow-minded ambitions that Dr. Kalei or Nex Coast could have ever dreamed of. Through all of my vigorous testing, I still can find no discernible vulnerabilities in Subject 37. It’s unlikely that any other creature would be able to cause bodily harm to him. Along with his armor-thick skin, he possesses impressive strength, enhanced intelligence, and—despite his size—remarkable speed.
Today, Dr. Lenkin tried to argue that Subject 37’s eyes were an “obvious” vulnerability. It was a sign of the man’s overwhelmingly limited intellect. Would I have created such a magnificent creature and allowed something as trivial as its eyesight to be a weakness? Even a simpleton like Lenkin must be aware of a shark’s electroreception abilities, a ‘sixth sense’ that enables them to precisely hunt underwater—one of the many reasons they’re such efficient predators! I have genetically enhanced Subject 37’s sensory perception many times beyond what a typical Carcharodon carcharias possesses, allowing my creation to track its prey both in water and on land, even without eyesight. Blinding Subject 37 would do little more than agitate him.
There’s no need to debate Lenkin on the matter. I’m sure he will soon see for himself how capable my creation is.
–Dr. Beverly Hastings
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
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Typical Evilutionary Biologist. Thinks her toy is perfect and won’t ackowledge any potential weaknesses.
I kinda hope this chaper ends with madison tossing S37’s eyeless head (just the head mind you) in Hastings’ face and our heroes walking off, leaving Hastings trying to ‘french kiss’ S37 (only to find out the hard way that with sharks, the head dies last).
Weak spot is a weak spot and the eyes are a direct portal into the brain. Put enough rounds into an eye socket and you gotta hit the brain in time. Two other weak points: open mouth and the ass. Granted the anal sphincter is a small target but its a direct route to the vulnerable guts. Slow painful death that one.
Sure, blinding the critter might not inconvenience it all that much, but I imagine it would still HURT….
My vote?
I say “Better Living through Chemistry”.
That thing doesn’t keep it mouth shut.
One further point this nutcase ‘scientist’ has obviously forgotten. Electroreceptors depend, 100%, on the conductivity of seawater to bring those electrical impusles TO the receptors to be sensed in the first place. In air? They’re just not going to function at all. It would be like trying to smell something in a vacuum.