Chapter 5, Page 18
Ultra High-Frequency Blades
Ultra high-frequency blades (also known as ultrasonic blades) are classified as S-Class vibroweapons. Most common examples are knives or swords, which contain a miniature generator in the weapon’s handle, capable of producing micro-oscillations within the blade. These oscillations occur thousands of times per second and are often imperceptible to the human eye. Some high-end variations will exhibit a faint glow on the blade if the power output is set at maximum charge. The rapid vibration of the blade increases cutting power, with remarkable results reported in trial testing of the newer 780R models and up. Earlier models were reported to possess unreliable energy sources, resulting in the units prematurely powering down. This has since been corrected over the last few years. A study conducted at Birtok University found an ultrasonic blade (model: UF Blade 890) able to withstand, and deflect, a bullet (caliber: .475 enhanced armor-piercing round).
Most vibroweapons emit a noticeable humming noise, but recent technological advancements in the field have given rise to silent variations. At present, this ‘stealth mode’ is only possible when the unit is utilizing a low-energy setting, which results in decreased cutting strength.
Possession of virboweaponry is illegal, barring some exceptions such as military and, in select cases, law enforcement. As of last year, private military contractors are allowed to purchase vibroweapons if they possess a permit (refer to article H3.S1).
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Fun fact about ultra-sonic blades.
If you shave somewhere on your body you may have noticed the vibrating razor blades (Gillette Mach 3 and such). The guy who invented them started off with the idea of an ultra-sonic blade edge, but when he actually tested it it turned out that a lower frequency ‘infrasonic blade edge’ actually worked better.
The More You Know (TM)
Yeah turns out that brittle fracture is a bitch and moving a blade at thousands of osciallations per second makes them crack or even shatter if you get the math wrong enough. One of the kids in my engineering program is doing his doctorate on that/related topics now
I wonder if this idea would work with a carving knife.
It would be nice not to struggle through a hunk of meat.
Hm, my theory was right, that’s not your everyday sword. (I expected it to be forged out of some special metal, but I guess since it’s a vibro blade, it’s likely not regular steel anyway).
And for epic entrances, the ninja girl ranks high on the list. Took out the big bad in one swipe.
Heh, vibro-blade, nice
Star Wars has vibro-blades, Vibro-knives… etc