Chapter 17, Page 7
Pallad City Police Department—Case Files
[File #6745-A3]
Service android malfunction at Grendales. Electrical storm believed to be the cause of A.I. corruption. Possible defect in charging station was noted.
[File #6930-F1]
TOTO Unit [MK-III Serial #093847329] escaped transport while being shipped to manufacturer for decommission. Did not respond to remote deactivation code. A.I. was possibly corrupted due to lack of maintenance and known cerebral-core issues. TOTO unit’s utanium power core was ruptured upon attempted retrieval. Resulting explosion left few remains for analysis.
Note: I want Cherie to look into this. – Madison Wynter
[File #7103-D5]
AROS tank intercepted on Deevox Highway. The tank’s A.I. was said to have gone ‘rogue’ after Net-link. Syren Industries claimed possession of the tank before any police analysis could be conducted. Syren cited legal protection due to “confidential corporate assets.” No further investigation is allowed.
Note: This is bullshit. That tank’s A.I. should have been examined by the Cyber Crime Division and our tech analysts. Megacorps should not be above the law! – Madison Wynter
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Tanabata Usagi.
Just a headache Maddy, or an implant? And I agree with what you said Wynter’s it IS more then a coincidence.
You know, a thought just occurred to me. If this were any other police unit, they would have called in the Tactical Armored Unit by now. Madison is the only crazy enough (and skilled enough) to try and take care of it herself. What if the corporation that runs the T.A.U. is trying to drum up business to prove they are needed (and that PCPD can’t handle what’s out there).
“What if the corporation that runs the T.A.U. is trying to drum up business to prove they are needed (and that PCPD can’t handle what’s out there).”
That wouldn’t surprise me!