Chapter 22, Page 38 by Midnight on March 31, 2024 at 4:12 am Chapter: Ch 22: Horror High Pt. 5 Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
It begins. My guess is that Madison will finish mopping the floor on page 40.
That quickly? They won’t be that lucky…
SURPRISE, MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😁😎
I suspect violence will happen in an extensive manner now?
And i am still wondering about that big guy….
That’s so badass! The dialogue and art here are first rate.
🤔 How did Madison so quickly get over that stuff they slipped in her drink❓
I’m going to guess Madison has some cyber in her.
She took a preventative antidote, she’s just naturally horny 😉
Judging by that weird color in Madison’s eyes and her shaky voice, I don’t think she’s over the drugs quite yet.
LOL I like the “Grab a Macek for a good time” tagline on the poster XD
I don’t think Wilk is having a “good time” right about now.
Whatever the state of Madison’s drug habit, she already has a firm grip again.
Either,,she was just stalling for time or something, there is no way she recovered that fast.
Dude! That was his wanking hand, presumably.
Also, the other guy is lucky that the blonde used trigger discipline.
His night would have been better if she hadn’t 😛
I was hoping she would get some Wilk Milk first but either way this ass kicking is justified
She’s not out of the woods yet. Wilk Milk might still be on the menu XD
I hope so!