Chapter 14, Page 10
[Encrypted NetMail – Dated 1 Week Ago]
To: VHardiman@PCPD.xop
From: BKendal@PCPD.xop
Subject: New Vests…
Chief Hardiman:
We were recently supposed to get a new batch of ballistic vests, but our contract with East Tactical is no longer being honored(?). Instead, we had to order from another supplier and were sent these new RAV vests. I know there’s not much we can do about it now, but these vests are something out of a nightmare. Who would have approved these things??? They’re made with reactive material…basically our officers will be hitting the streets in suicide bomber vests!!! The manufacturer claims that the RAVs are safe, but what officer would be insane enough to wear this?
Below are the specs from the manufacturer, MasterKey Gear, regarding the vests…
Brenton Kendal
Armory Division
RAV (Reactive Armor Vest) Specs
A first for lightweight wearable reactive armor, the RAV offers unprecedented protection to the wearer by employing our patented DSA (dynamic stiffening absorption) material. The outermost layer of the vest is comprised of a reactive element that—upon being struck by any kinetic projectile—will emit a miniature controlled detonation, rendering the incoming projectile harmless while presenting no injury to the wearer. [Yeah, I’ll bet!–Kendal]
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Tanabata Usagi.
Color by Malatrova.
I, for one, welcome and approve of these new vests. They exploded in just the right places
TWC actually let you post ^that^ kinda pic fer a vote_incentive!!
TWC supportS voting for many different comic adventures.
Twc doesn’t care if the incentive is a picture of the red tipped booby in its natural habitat. It must have been captured in the above mentioned boobly trap. When it comes to releasing captured boobies, I can count on my two hands, to release as many captured boobies they come in contact with.
Have seen more explicit as invotives (the VD invotive for “The Crease” literally had a male penetrating a female)
How would something like that shit-vest ever actually work in real life? o_O
Sure, it saves you from the first round fired at you, what if you are shot at by an automatic or a machine gun?
A fun little behind-the-scenes info about this page…
They were, presumably, never manufactured—but that’s where the inspiration came from. Makes for some really wild reading that these were ever considered:
There actually exists a real-world patent for reactive vests