Chapter 16, Page 16
[Note: File Archived 4 Years Ago]
Death Widow, Inc
POW/MIA Records – Case 1182
[Filed under Operation Sandstorm]
Name: Satori Riven [MIA]
Employee Number: 0372
Rank: Commanding Officer (CO)
Squad: Chimera
Satori Riven was lost on March 9th in Rahjeen, Karzostan [Sector 92-RT]. Riven was assigned to infiltrate the designated sector, eliminate any enemy hostiles encountered, and secure high-value targets. At 1100 hours, three of our SkyWolf units initiated an air strike on the sector. Riven and Madison Wynter [Employee #6820] were in the target zone at the time of the attack.
Commanding Officer Riven has since been classified as missing-in-action. A unit was sent in for ground recovery, but Riven could not be located. Reports indicate that the area of destruction was total and that retrieval of human remains are unlikely.
An internal investigation was opened on March 10th to look into the events leading to this incident. We interviewed the surviving Assistant Commanding Officer, Madison Wynter, along with Operations Supervisor Janik Nikels and the SkyWolf UAV operators.
The investigation has revealed that the air strike was initially scheduled for 1300 hours on March 9th. The strike was then rescheduled for 1100 hours—unbeknownst to Riven, Wynter, Chimera Squad personnel, and Nikels. Kraz Rolof, Operations Communicator in Chimera Squad, stated that he found out about the updated schedule seconds before the SkyWolf UAVs commenced their attack. He attempted to contact Strategic Command to delay the strike. When he was unable to reach them, he immediately informed Riven.
Nikels claims that he did not reschedule the air strike. Database login records confirm this. No other individuals were found to have accessed the Death Widow Strategic Command database, nor was there a submission request to alter mission parameters on March 9th.
Unidentified intrusion in our network’s central database/intel logs at 0900 hours on March 9th may have resulted in system instability, possible leakage of sensitive information, and the unauthorized tampering of combat operations. A separate investigation into this matter is ongoing.
Regarding Case 1182, we believe catastrophic communication failure and/or possible system intrusion led to what can only be described as an unavoidable instance of friendly fire.
Danger Zone One. Story by Midnight. Art by Salaiix.
Another bad dream. No wonder why Mattie’s so miserable and angry all the time. Not much of an apartment. Looks more like a cell then a bedroom. In fact, from the looks of it in the last panel, it may not even be Pallad City.
Looks like it could be in the rough part of Pallad City Madison grew up in.
I’m going out on a limb and guessing Madison lives in one of the slums we’ve caught glimpses of in previous chapters like the area where that apartment-hostage storyline took place or where the gym was.
I went back and reread some of the previous chapters and it’s crazy to see the difference between Reena’s apartment and Madison’s:
It says a lot about these characters.
Felt like we’ve seen Reena’s living space another time but couldn’t remember when. Then it dawned on me, first chapter:
BIG difference from how Madison lives.
Anyone who goes through wars will end up with PTSD. The human mind is actually very fragile, more-so then most people are willing to even entertain.
So, Madison was some sort of a soldier BEFORE becoming a cop? Huh. That’s kind of nice.