Research and Development Division 4-B Development Engineer: Raymond Finkler Log Entry: 768 Date: October 10th The VX-II has surpassed all expectations. The live-firing exercise went well yesterday. The Gatling-arm performed flawlessly, and the back-mounted ammo magazine stored an impressive 4,000[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 1: Welcome to Pallad City
From: JPinley@HGS.xop To: LSenti@HGS.xop Subject: Product Marketing Division; VX-II design Laya, As far as functionality is concerned, I have no issues with the VX-II model. However, I feel we need to completely overhaul the suit’s appearance. The visual aesthetic needs[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
PCPD DATABASE ENTRY T-19: I.DAC (INTEL & DATA AID COMMUNICATOR) Every PCPD officer is issued an I.DAC—an Intel & Data Aid Communicator. Each I.DAC is equipped with a miniature microphone, providing officers with direct contact to PCPD headquarters at all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will execute the powers and duties of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To: VHardiman@PCPD.xop From: BKendal@PCPD.xop Subject: Halvok 99 firearms Chief Hardiman: I’ve been getting complaints from numerous officers regarding the new Halvok 99 model firearm. The concern is that these new models are too heavy and unwieldy (due in part to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mayor Neville, You may want to take a look at the recent report we’ve received about that salt water issue. I’ve included the executive summary of the report, Saltwater Intrusion and Infiltration into the Pallad City Wastewater System, below:
Street Guard Plus Mk. II Stun Gun Specifications The Street Guard Plus Mk. II delivers 7.5 million volts of shocking power. It features a Nu-Ion rechargeable battery, allowing for multiple uses at maximum charge. The unit is housed in a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Course: Taser/Stun Gun Training Instructor: Ari Paisley Student: Reena Saffron Course Evaluation Ms. Saffron passes this course with considerable hands-on training and practical knowledge of various taser and stun gun models. She has demonstrated a firm understanding of the covered[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To: HaleyComet@NetWave.xop From: RSaffron@NetWave.xop Subject: Hiya! Hey Haley, Hope everyone’s doing well! Geeez, it’s wild to think that a day ago I was still in Old Metro with you guys and now…well, you wouldn’t believe Pallad City. It’s sooo different from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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