Reena’s Journal November 2nd This is a quick entry, since I need to hurry out the door and catch the Hyper Light Rail to work! I just wanted to put down on record that I will remember to take my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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PALLAD CITY’S LOST LAND? THE MYSTERY OF VOLKAN ISLAND Nerri Ceras, Pallad City Post Take a walk through the streets of Pallad City and it’s no secret, the city’s getting more crowded every day. The towering monolithic skyscrapers are built[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
PALLAD CITY’S LOST LAND? THE MYSTERY OF VOLKAN ISLAND Nerri Ceras, Pallad City Post (Continued from Section 2A) Volkan Island bears little resemblance to most artificial islands due to its impressive size and geography. Created by the Datura Corporation eleven[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To: VHardiman@PCPD.xop From: ETovarr@PCPD.xop Subject: Patrol Boat Authorization Chief Hardiman: I’ve just received a request to authorize the MW26 patrol boat to Madison Wynter from the Special Crimes Unit. I want to go on record as voicing my objection to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Attn: All PCPD Officers and Personnel A reminder to all officers who still have yet to pick up their refitted I.DACs—maintenance on all Intel & Data Aid Communicators has been completed. Please see your updated user manual for the latest[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NT-10 Hunter-Seeker Security Drone (Specifications) Type: Unmanned aerial vehicle used for security surveillance, communication support, and offensive combat for land and marine operations Designer: Horizon Global Solutions Production: Sixth generation model Crew: None. No personnel required. Designated flight patterns and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Invoice 01298: Twelve (12) NT-10 Hunter-Seeker Security Drones To: Nex Coast / Dr. Kalei, Thank you for your recent purchase of our latest Hunter-Seeker security drone models. Horizon Global Solutions prides itself as one of the top industry leaders in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
///VOLKAN ONE /// [Online] **SAFE MODE ACTIVE** <<BIOS: Accessing Facility Mainframe>> [PASS] <<Running Diagnostics>> [PASS] **Diagnostics Readout** [[Catastrophic system failure detected]] [[Security system inactive]] [[Emergency generator online]] <<Detecting Error Source>> [FAIL] [[Source Unidentified]] <<Critical Warnings(s)>> [[wtry989 execution order]] [[OVERRIDE PROTOCOL]][…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Behind the Veil [The Net’s #1 Conspiracy Forum!] <<Message Board>> Topic: Volkan Island 126 :Netreaper-Nine: 7/21 (16:04:15) ID: 5ke99sn0 Don’t care what their cover story is, I guarantee there’s some seriously twisted sh!t happening behind closed doors on Volkan Island.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Property Transfer & Registered Deed for Volkan Island Property This document represents the transfer of ownership of Volkan Island. This property has been lawfully purchased from Datura Corporation who, by Declaration of Ownership filed with the Pallad City Department of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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